National Infertility Awareness Week

April 25, 2011

1 in 8 women and men are diagnosed with infertility. National Infertility Awareness Week® (NIAW) is a movement that began in 1989.  The goal of NIAW is to raise awareness about the disease of infertility and encourage the public to take charge of their reproductive health. This year’s theme is “Bust a Myth” and their goal is to make the conversation much easier between the infertility community and their family and friends.

Who gets it?

 Infertility is a medical problem. Approximately 30% of infertility is due to a female factor and 30% is due to a male factor. In the balance of the cases, infertility results from problems in both partners or the cause of the infertility cannot be explained.


What are the risk factors?

  • Weight
  • Age
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
  • Tubal Disease
  • Endometriosis
  • DES Exposure
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol

What are the signs and symptoms?

Often there are no signs or symptoms associated with an infertility problem. Listening to your body and getting regular checkups will help to detect a problem. Early detection and treatment of a problem are often critical in achieving successful pregnancy outcomes later.

To learn more visit:

Prom Safety Tips

April 18, 2011

Prom is one of the most memorable experiences of high school, however it can also be one of the most dangerous experiences as well. Some students feel pressured to drink, smoke, use drugs or have sex on prom night by friends or the media. Below we have listed some tips for having a fun and safe time at prom!

Prom Tips:

1)    Don’t Go to Extremes to Get in Shape– Many students will go on crash diets before prom to try and lose weight, resulting in unhealthy habits. Instead students should: eat lots of fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water and exercise regularly.

2)    Don’t Use the Tanning Bed- There are plenty of tanning lotions and self-tanners that can be applied to get the same effects, without exposing your skin to the dangerous UV rays.

3)    Travel Safely- Always wear a safety belt. Don’t drink and drive, and don’t get in a car with a driver who has been drinking.

4)    Plan Ahead-If you plan to go to an after-prom party, go with a friend to ensure each other’s safety. Avoid using alcohol and drugs.

5)    Respect Yourself- Respect yourself and others, avoid alcohol and drugs, and tell family or call 911 if you or someone you know is being abused.


Above all, trust your instincts and have fun!

Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month

April 11, 2011

Of the many health differences between men and women, many may not be aware of the fact that women are more affected by eye disease and other eye conditions than men.

Eye disease strikes women far more frequently than men, which is why women should take time to learn about protecting their sight in April—Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month.

  • Two thirds of blindness and visual impairment occurs in women
  • Three quarters of visual impairment is estimated to be preventable or correctable
  • One third of age-related macular disease and cataract may be due to smoking

To learn more visit:

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

April 4, 2011

Sexual Assault Awareness Month,  is an annual campaign that strives to educate communities and individuals on how to prevent sexual violence. This year’s campaign, “It’s time … to get involved,” incorporates a bystander approach to sexual violence prevention and encourages everyone speaking up as another prevention method. This primary prevention approach helps to create environments where people are safe in their relationships, families, neighborhoods, schools, work places and communities.

This year’s campaign brings together resources and information, thus offering everyone the opportunity to address behaviors before sexual violence occurs.

To learn more visit:

School Based Healthy Eating Programs Work!

March 7, 2011

20% of children aged 6-11 are obese and obese children are more likely to become obese as adults. Due to these and other shocking statistics some schools are starting to implement healthy alternatives for school lunches. According to a new research study by The Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, children who eat lunch in schools that promote healthy eating are:

  • 2 times more likely to eat fruit for lunch.
  • 1.5 times more likely to eat fruit or vegetables on a daily basis
  • Half as likely to eat sweets for lunch.

The research concluded that there is a significant association between the number of actions that schools have in place to promote healthy eating and dietary choices made by students.

Softening Water Does Not Help Eczema

February 28, 2011

An estimated 20 percent of children and one in 12 adults have eczema. A new research study suggests that although hard water is thought to provoke the itchy and discomforting skin condition, softening the water does nothing to relieve symptoms.

To learn more visit here.

Vacations Affect Your Happiness

February 15, 2011

According to a study published in the Applied Research Quality Life, the act of planning a vacation gives us the largest boost in happiness. Anticipating a vacation also gives a boost of happiness for eight weeks. So if you were looking for a reason to take a trip out of town, this is the perfect one.

Happy Vacationing!

Holiday Weight Gain

January 4, 2011


Excited about the holiday treats this year? Christmas is a great time for eating, but also a great time for gaining weight. According to Dr. Oz some people gain up to 5 pounds during the holidays. Take a look at these 5 tips on how to stay fit for the holidays:

1. Weigh yourself and keep a food diary

2. Drink lots of water before you eat so that you will be more full

3.  Do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach

4. Eat breakfast

5. Continue to be physically active

New Year’s Resolution Advice

December 29, 2010


1. Don’t try to jump into your goals cold turkey – make changes slowly but surely

2. Have some goals that are strictly just to make you happy

3. Get rid of negative influences that are counter productive to your goal

4. Find accountability partners who have the same goal in mind

5. Step outside your comfort zone


Boosting your immunity

December 13, 2010



Our immune systems help us fight disease causing micro organisms. But occasionally, germs can successfully enter our bodies and make us sick. In order for our immune systems to function well, they require balance and harmony. In the winter months it is important to boost immunity to keep illness at bay.

Boost your immunity to combat illness during the harsh winter months with these tips!

1. Get a full night of sleep

2. Add some zest to your food! Lemons help your body maintain it’s pH balance

3. Fill up on water

4. Add some honey to your diet! It has anti bacterial factors

5. Eat your fruits and vegetables