Tips for bringing your premature infant home

October 28, 2011

premature infant

Bringing home a new baby can be challenging for first time parents.  However, having a premature infant can have additional concerns, such as knowing how to handle their special needs.  Fortunately, many doctors and nurses are prepared to answer a parent’s questions, including calming fears and worry. Parent Magazine has also compiled a wonderful resource of information for parents of premature infants.  Even if you opt to have in an in home nurse assisting with care, you may wonder where to go for additional information.  Parent Magazine gives you a wealth of information on topics such as being observant for long term issues.  You can also learn about growth and development, breast feeding a premature infant and more.  Our nurses are highly skilled at assisting parents with premature infants and will be more than happy to answer all your questions.  Contact us for more information on how our skilled in home nursing staff can help make the transition home smooth for you and your new infant.

Celebrate healthy eating with Food Day

October 21, 2011

fresh fruit

The national Food Day is Monday, October 24th and there are so many ways for you and your family to participate this year.  Cities nationwide will be hosting events that support local farmers, sustainability and offering ways to eat healthier.  According to the organization, “Food Day seeks to bring together Americans from all walks of life—parents, teachers, and students; health professionals, community organizers, and local officials; chefs, school lunch providers, and eaters of all stripes.”

You and your family can make Monday Food Day in your home with a few simple ideas:

  • Visit a local farmers market this weekend
  • Plan a healthy meal together, giving everyone the opportunity to participate in the preparation
  • Commit to only eating healthy food for one day; leave the junk food in the pantry and dive into those fruits and veggies
  • Look for grocery stores and markets that promote local farmers and sustainable practices
What other ways can all of us support Food Day and commit to healthier eating?  Let us know your ideas and even share your favorite healthy recipe!

Tips for keeping Fall allergies away

October 14, 2011


woman with allergies

These days we’re all wondering when the sneezing and runny nose will end.  Fall allergies are high this year and according to doctors the ragweed can cause a lot of problems in our homes.  However, there are seven things you can do to make yourself feel better and boost your body’s defenses against colds and allergies. has a great list that includes eating foods like apples, pears and squash.  They also recommend eating vegetable based soup, which boost your brain power.  Other tips are to avoid junk foods and take time to relax.  De-stressing when caring for a long term illness can help increase your energy, keep you healthy and benefit the entire family.  If you have other tips on how to avoid the pitfalls of seasonal colds and allergies, let us know by leaving a comment below.

Reduce and manage stress with yoga

October 4, 2011

woman doing yoga

Last week I talked about how to help your children who are dealing with the stress of a sibling facing long term illness.  This week I wanted to touch on how you can reduce and manage your own stress during this period.  Many parents sacrifice their own health, when caring for a sick child.  It’s perfectly normal, however as parents we need to remember it is our job to also care for ourselves so we can be there for our children.  KidsHealth recognizes that many of us parents forgo our own healthy eating habits and exercise during these times.  This is why they have created a wonderful resource of suggestions for parents who need to manage stress.  One of the suggested methods is by practicing yoga.  This form of exercise that incorporates controlled breathing, postures and mental discipline is widely known for dramatically reducing stress levels.

According to KidsHealth, parents should make sure they are doing some form of exercise 20 minutes daily to reduce stress.  Whether it’s going for a run or learning a simple yoga routine, you’ll find positive results.  If you choose to discover how good yoga can be for managing stress, check with the local YMCA or fitness center for classes.  If you feel you can’t commit to a class, then look at some of the yoga videos on YouTube.  There’s a wide variety for beginners to advanced, giving you the opportunity to find the perfect one for your level of exercise.  And of course, talk with your doctor about how yoga can help you manage the stress of being a caregiver to a sick family member.  To learn more about the benefits of yoga, check out this article from the Mayo Clinic.