How to keep your resolution this year

December 28, 2011

list of goals

We all make resolutions, knowing many times we won’t keep the majority of them.  However, each year we focus on the typical resolutions of losing weight, exercising and reducing stress.  But what if this year we all did something different, something that has positive potential for our careers and patients.  Sarah Eder gave several wonderful suggestions earlier this year about how to make a resolution and stick with it.  Her blog post on ONS Connect shared tips on how to make a resolution and keep it.  Simply choose one that will enhance your career and you’re more likely to keep it.

Some of her tips include setting measurable goals that you can easily obtain throughout the year.  Also consider seeing your resolutions as something positive rather than giving something up.  You can also make your resolution about a specific outcome rather than a task, giving yourself a better chance of achieving your goal.  What tips do you have for other nurses who are wanting to keep their New Year’s resolutions in 2012?  Let us know by leaving a comment below.

Holiday traditions from around the world

December 21, 2011

holiday candles

Does your family have unique holiday traditions that have been passed down from parents or grandparents?  Many of us have some traditions that revisit our childhood and when we’re deciding how to make the holidays fun for our children we look to those traditions to help us out.   To celebrate the season we thought we’d take a quick trip around the globe and check out several interesting traditions from other cultures.  Let us know if your family already enjoys some of them and how you make it exciting for your children.

  • In Nova Scotia Canada carolers stroll the streets singing traditional Scottish songs.
  • In Greenland they focus on eating lots of cake, singing carols and playing games.
  • In France they celebrate the holidays with a feast of food, including the buche de nol cake.
  • In South Africa families celebrate with a big meal outdoors with camping over the long holiday.
  • In Japan they recognize the holidays as a time to visit the sick in the hospital and do a service for someone else.

Happy Holidays from all of us at PSA!!

We’re on LinkedIn and getting social

December 14, 2011

nurse on computer

Calling all nurses who are interested in working for the largest pediatric home healthcare agency in the country.  We’re now on LinkedIn and ready to connect with you!  By connecting with us on LinkedIn you’ll be able to learn more about our services, how we support our nurses nationwide and what makes our staff so unique.  And if you’re looking to learn more about our company, we also maintain a Facebook page & Twitter profile.  Both of these are great for nurses and families to stay current with our staffing needs, as well as pediatric healthcare news.

For those you nurses looking to join a top home healthcare agency, we have a great way for you to view our immediate job needs, register with our agency and find which locations have positions available.  There’s also a nurses resource on our website that gives vital information on what we’re looking for, how to add to your pediatric skills and ways to assist you in your managing your personal life as a home healthcare nurse.  Visit us at PSA Healthcare to find out more!

National organizations offer family assistance during the holiday season

December 7, 2011

sick little girl

The holidays are a fun time for all families, however those that are dealing with long term illness, it can also be a tough time to get everything done.  Many families are faced with continuing treatments and surgeries during the holiday season, making it tough to find time for the siblings in the family.  There are several national organizations that assist families with providing outstanding research and care for children; making sure they can enjoy the holidays with their families.  Here’s a list of three that are working to find cures, raise funds and assist with meeting the needs of the entire family:

Do you know of other local and community organizations that are a making a difference in families lives?  Let us know by leaving a comment below.