Eczema FAQs

April 27, 2010

What is eczema?

Eczema is a family of skin conditions that citizens the skin to become inflamed. The skin can become swollen, itchy, or irritated. The most common type of eczema is atopic dermatitis. Most people, 90 percent, develop atopic dermatitis by five years of age. The skin mainly itches due to barrier defects which allow things to irritate the skin. This itch rashes the skin.

Where can eczema be found?

For toddlers, it is most common on the hands, wrists, arms, and legs. Most commonly affected areas in children and adults are the face, neck, ankles, in creases of the elbow and the bends of the knees.

What does it look like?

It usually causes dry, red, extremely itchy patches on the skin. The skin could become to the levels of cracking, bleeding, whipping, and oozing.

How do you catch it?

Atopic dermatitis is hereditary. Eczema can not receive from other children, a public bathrooms, or the swimming pool. Stress can cause flare-ups. Learn to manage emotions to lessen intensity.

How is eczema treated?

While there is not a cure for eczema, seek advice from a dermatologist, follow skin care regiments, and use medication as prescribed. Most children grow out of symptoms by school age. By adulthood the symptoms are milder. Symptoms may come and go. Avoid things that could irritate the skin. Use proper skincare. Antihistamine is usually used to calm the skin. Corticosteroid is a medicine used to treat eczema. Dermatologists may recommend short baths or moisturizers to calm flare-ups.

Remember to always seek advice from your healthcare professional to properly prevent or treat eczema.

Spring Sickness

April 19, 2010

Spring is here. This means warm weather, shorts, sandals, and fun in the park! This also means the climate is changing and our health needs to make a smooth transition from one climate to the next. Remember to carry a light jacket in case the weather changes unexpectedly. If you take medicine, have all medication available. Make sure you have health insurance, lest there is an emergency that arise.

When around others, take all healthy precautions. Cough and sneeze into your elbow to avoid the spread of bacteria. Throw your tissues in the trash after using it. Wash your hands with soap and water after using the restroom or eating. Encourage your children to clean their hands and faces after playing outdoors. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Avoid close contact with those already ill.

If you do become sick, limit your contact with others. Please stay at home, at least, 24 hours after your fever has broken. This excludes fevers that were reduced by medication.

Follow the advice of your public health advisors regarding contaminated area. Seek your healthcare professional if illness worsens.

Spring Cleaning for Home Health

April 12, 2010

8 Helpful Tips to Healthy Spring Cleaning

  1. Make a list and be specific with the time you are going to allot for each task.
  2. Open windows and doors. Chemicals can be overwhelming to your health.
  3. Listen to music!! Choose songs that will give you energy and set the atmosphere for cleaning.
  4.  Sweep then vacuum! This looses dirt particles to make for effective cleaning.
  5.  Re-arrange the furniture. Add new colorful accessories such pillows, clocks, vases, or fresh flowers to the room.
  6. Purchase storage devices. This saves room and decrease clutter.
  7. Incorporate the family! The more help; the faster you will get to your goal.
  8.  Have fun! Cleaning does not always have to be a chore.

Happy Cleaning!

Allergy Prevention

April 6, 2010

During the allergy season, the ultimate goal of allergy treatment is to catch the symptoms in advance before they worsen. The development of allergies, asthma and food allergies in young children is also preventable.

Ways on how to stay healthy during allergy season:

Avoiding Indoor Allergens

  • Avoid the common indoor allergens such as pet dander and dust mites
  • Vacuum often
  • Avoid mold spores
  • Keep your hands clean; Encourage children to wash their hands after playing or eating

Avoiding Outdoor Allergens

  • Avoid plant pollens and molds
  • Minimize exposure to pollens and outdoor molds
  • Stay inside during peak pollen times, usually between 10:00 a.m. and
    4:00 p.m.
  • Stay indoors when humidity is high and on days with high wind
  • Wear a face mask if you are outside to limit the amount of pollen you inhale
  • Shower after spending time outside to wash away pollen that collects on your skin and hair

Avoiding Food Allergy

  • Closely follow a diet free from the culprit food
  • Know how to cope with an allergic reaction by understand the food you cannot eat
  • Read the ingredients lists on food labels

Avoiding Biting and Stinging Insects

  • Take measures to avoid future stings and bites
    • avoiding walking barefoot outdoors
    • exterminating known insect infestations
    • not looking or smelling like a flower
    • judicious use of insect repellants

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